The new features of ACC V23

half of 2022 is almost behind us. We hope you are well and wish you and us more peaceful and quiet times.
In today's newsletter we would like to inform you about the upcoming Changes for ACC systems using email via Microsoft Exchange Online inform. We are also pleased to give you a first preview of the new functions that will be released in November 2022 ACC Version V23 admit. Also read which strategic cooperation we have entered and that we also this year at the SPS in Nuremberg will participate.

Enjoy reading.

Your Alarm IT Factory team

You can download the online version of our current newsletter here  .
The text version follows below:


Changes for ACC using email via Microsoft Exchange Online

As of October 1st, 2022, Microsoft will disable Basic Auth in Microsoft Exchange Online. OAuth (Modern Auth) was defined as the new standard. This authentication will be supported by our upcoming ACC V23 release, but previous ACC versions do not yet support OAuth.

The deactivation of Basic Auth therefore has an impact on ACC customers who use Microsoft Exchange Online and send alerts via email or use the email agent:
From October 1st, 2022 (deactivation date of Basic Auth) a connection via the e-mail agent or an alarm via e-mail will no longer be possible. Only an upgrade to ACC V23 will the message dispatch via the email channel and the use of Email Agents allow again. ACC V23 will be available from early November 2022. In the four to six weeks between switching off OAuth and the release of ACC V23, you have via Microsoft Exchange Online no alerting available via email.

If you are affected by the deactivation of Basic Auth, please contact our sales team as soon as possible or +49 711 62 007 69 – 66 so that we can find a solution together.

You can find the official statement from Microsoft here.


Outlook on ACC V23 - the new functions

The new release ACC V23 will appear at the beginning of November 2022. Look forward to numerous improvements for existing ACC components as well as a new, even more attractive design.

You can look forward to these innovations:

1) Facelift of the ACC user interface

  • New corporate identity with new colors and more contrast
  • A completely redesigned dark and light theme
  • Revised compact mode
  • Optimization of readability
  • Optimization of table views
  • Navigation bar is pinnable
  • Drag and drop optimizations
  • Many further developments and innovations


2) ACC app

  • Multiple selection: Messages can be selected in the list view and then deleted, accepted or rejected
  • The volume of the available ringtones in the app will be increased


3) Backup and restore

  • The backup and restore function is expanded so that the configurations of the following components are also included in a backup and can be imported again if necessary: agents, channels, core system modules, system log, installation directory
  • Automatic backup of the configuration at a definable point in time


4) Agent Desigo CC

As a connection to the integrated building management platform from Siemens AG, the new Agent Desigo CC replaces the previous connection via an ESPA 4.4.4 interface. Some planned agent features:

  • Connection via the REST interface to be able to receive messages from Desigo CC or forward message updates such as "message gone" or "message has been acknowledged".
  • Composition of the message text from different fields of the Desigo CC alarm
  • Temporary suppression of message dispatch using a variable
  • Agent health is reported to Desigo CC so that agent failure can be quickly identified and responded to accordingly
  • Monitoring tests to check the agent and to be able to detect a Desigo CC failure


5) Email channel and agent redesign

  • Reimplementation of the e-mail channel and e-mail agent, taking current technologies into account
  • Extended range of functions:
    • Authentication via OAuth
    • Encryption via current SSL/TLS versions
    • Easier support and validation of certificates
    • Simplified configuration
  • The e-mail dispatch channel, which is currently included free of charge with the ACC, will be replaced by this new e-mail channel. With the "Basic" license, the channel can still be licensed free of charge in the ACC. With the "Advanced" license, additional acknowledgments from the participants can be processed through the channel.


Save the Date: ACC V23 at SPS 2022

Visit us from 08.-10.11.2022 Especially as the SPS 2022.
The Smart Production Solutions is an international trade fair in the field of industrial automation and the annual highlight of the automation industry. With its unique concept, it covers the entire spectrum of smart and digital automation - from simple sensors to intelligent solutions, from what is feasible today to the vision of a comprehensively digitized industrial world.

We are very pleased to be back at hall 5, booth 238. Especially as the SPS 2021 to be represented. Especially after the SPS 2021 had to be canceled at such short notice last year. We would be happy to present our new release to you on site ACC V23, which will be released in November 2022. Experience the new functions of the alarm management system in a live presentation by a colleague. In addition, we look forward to being able to exchange ideas with you directly over a coffee.

Further information about our trade fair appearance will be available shortly on our homepage as well as in our next newsletter.


Entry into the French market

Since the beginning of this year there has been a cooperation between the Alarm IT Factory and the German-French service provider StartingFrance. Together with the sales partner, who specializes in developing the French market, our sales staff will promote the marketing of the Alarm Control Center in France. We are very happy about this cooperation.



You can download the online version of our current newsletter here  .